Dennstaedtiaceae - Bracken and ground ferns
Photo: BT. Wursten
Description of the family
Large terrestrial ferns. Rhizomes subterranean, short erect or creeping, with reddish hairs. Fronds monomorphic, large with long stipes, 3-4-pinnate. Veins free or rarely anastomosing, without included veinlets, mostly ending near or in the margin. Indumentum variable. Sori circular or elongate, confined to the sinuses, marginal, sub-marginal or superficial near the margin. Exindusiate or indusium cup-shaped, a modified lobe margin, a reflexed margin or a well developed outer marginal and partially developed inner indusium, composed of groups of closely spaced acicular hairs.
Worldwide: 11 genera and c. 170 species, cosmopolitan